I'm done with social VR

 I like VR for going on adventures in a different world to explore, or entering into games to play. But when it comes to social in VR, I don't like it in this time period. I'm tired of starting my standalone VR headset when I want to enter a world where my friends are. It takes too long. I don't want to switch between VR and non-VR games. I want to live in a metaverse where we can all come together like it's the OASIS from Ready Player One. I want a headset and peripherals that are evolving to help us express ourselves by our body language rather than our hands on a controller. Sure, there is Meta. Also, we will be free from using our Facebook Account requirement. But are we going to use its metaverse?

I want VR to evolve so that headsets or peripherals are no longer needed and only use a room to project a world; like a holodeck. Imagine exercising that would be fun. Some gamers will be athletic. Sure we don't have this technology yet. But I'll wait if I'm alive to see and use it.

So, I'll use our current VR for only playing games. But not for socializing anymore. Change my mind if you have a better way.


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